Marble Block

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Marble Block is a decorative building in the Furniture category that provides a Decor bonus to its surroundings and can be sculpted to provide a further bonus. The quality of the sculpture influences this bonus with higher quality sculptures from highly skilled artistic Duplicants producing the best Decor bonuses.

Marble Blocks are most efficient in high traffic areas; since they are twice as wide as other similar sculptures (e.g. Metal Block), they are a less space-efficient Decor provider than most.

There is 1 kind of crude, 1 kind of quaint and 5 kinds of masterpiece sculptures; 2 of the masterpieces are locked behind Blueprints.

Marble Blocks.png


  • Building Marble Blocks with Granite gives +20% total Decor.
  • Two Large Sculpting Blocks provide as much decor as a single Marble Block, although they cost twice as much in total and have a slightly diminished range owing to their size (1x3 tiles).
    • Similarly, two Metal Blocks provide twice as much decor as a single Marble Block (or even more, depending on the materials used).

See also
