Metal Block

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Metal Block is a decorative building in the Furniture category that provides a Decor bonus to its surroundings and can be sculpted to provide a further bonus. The quality of the sculpture influences this bonus with higher quality sculptures from highly skilled artistic Duplicants producing the best Decor bonuses.

Metal Blocks are most efficient in high traffic areas and can also be constructed in gaps between buildings to add decor to a room.

There is 1 kind of crude, 1 kind of quaint and 5 kinds of masterpiece sculptures; two of the masterpieces are locked behind Blueprints.

Metal Sculpture Blocks.png


  • Building it with Copper, Gold or Niobium gives it Decor bonuses of +20%, +50%, and +50% respectively.
  • The Decor radius emits from all three tiles.
  • Combined with the Decor bonuses of Gold or Niobium, the Decor value of a Masterpiece Metal Block beats the Decor value of a Masterpiece Granite Marble Block, 52.5 to 42, with nearly the same radius, as the 8 tile Decor radius emits from all 6 tiles of the 2x3 dimensions of the Marble Block. This makes 1 Marble Block almost completely inferior to 1 Metal Block, despite Marble Blocks being higher on the Tech Tree. Considering the ability to build 2 Metal Blocks in the same space for 1 Marble block, Marble Blocks are entirely pointless to build when the colony has an abundance of any Refined Metal.

See also
