Landscape Canvas

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Landscape Canvas is a decorative building in the Furniture category that provides a Decor bonus to its surroundings and can be painted on to provide extra.

There is 1 kind of crude, 1 kind of quaint and 11 kinds of masterpiece paintings; 7 of the masterpieces are locked behind Blueprints.

Landscape Canvas Paintings.png

List of Paintings

Quality Position in
Name Description Reference
Column Row
Crude 1 The Twins The effort is admirable, though the execution is not. An amateurish crayon drawing of two Hatches
Quaint 2 Ground Zero Every story has its origin. A rough depiction of a planet similar(?) to the Earth (but with a ring system)
Masterpiece 3 1 Still Life with Barbeque and Frost Bun Food this good deserves to be immortalized. A still life (???)
Masterpiece 4 1 Composition with Three Colors All the other colors in the artist's palette had dried up. Probably the works of Piet Mondrian
Masterpiece 3 2 Behold, A Fork Each tine represents a branch of science. American Gothic by Grant Wood
Masterpiece 4 2 The Astronomer at Home Its companion piece, "The Astronomer at Work" was lost in a meteor shower. ???
Masterpiece 5 1 Iconic Iteration For the art collector who doesn't mind a bit of repetition. The works of Andy Warhol
Masterpiece 7 1 La Belle Meep A daring piece, guaranteed to cause a stir. ???
Masterpiece 8 1 Glorious Vole A moody study of the renowned tunneler. ??? (depiction of a Shove Vole)
Masterpiece 5 2 The Swell Swell As far as wave-themed art goes, it's great. The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai
Masterpiece 6 2 Flight of the Slicksters The delight on the subjects' faces is contagious. ??? (depiction of Slicksters)
Masterpiece 7 2 The Shiny Night A dreamy abundance of swirls, whirls and whorls.
Masterpiece 8 2 Hot Afternoon Things get a bit melty if they're forgotten in the sun.


Reed Fiber, a required construction material, gives +10% Decor bonus to the total Decor value of the painting, and Gold Amalgam or Copper Ore can be used for another 10%. Niobium provides 50%, but this is not recommended due to its extreme rarity.

See also
