Rocketry (Building)

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Rocketry buildings all are for use in space missions.

List of Rocketry buildings

Utility Modules

In Name Description Requires Automation Materials Research
Contains passenger seating for Duplicant Astronauts.
A Command Capsule must be the last module installed at the top of a rocket.
At least one astronaut must be assigned to the command module to pilot a rocket.
Duplicant assignment
Rocket Piloting skill
1 Atmo Suit
Green: Launch rocket
Red: Awaits launch commmand
Green: Rocket launch checklist is complete
Red: Rocket launch checklist is incomplete
200 kg Steel.png
Introductory Rocketry
Completes one Research Task per space mission.
Produces a small Data Bank regardless of mission destination.
Generated Research Points become available upon the rocket's return.
Data banks can be used at virtual planetariums to produce additional research points.
200 kg Steel.png
Introductory Rocketry
Allows one non-Astronaut Duplicant to visit space.
Sight-Seeing rocket flights decrease Stress.
An astronaut must accompany sight seeing Duplicants on rocket flights.
Duplicant assignment
200 kg Steel.png
Unique Cargo

Propulsion Modules

In Name Description Storage Input Requires Materials Research
Burns Liquid Hydrogen to propel rockets for space exploration.
The engine of a rocket must be built first before more rocket modules may be added.
Hydrogen engines can propel rockets further than steam or petroleum engines.
Liquid Fuel Tank
Solid or Liquid Oxidizer Tank
Command Capsule
500 kg Steel.png
Cryofuel Combustion
Stores the Liquid fuel piped into it to supply rocket engines.
The stored fuel type is determined by the rocket engine it is build upon.
Storing additional fuel increases the distance a rocket can travel before returning.
900 kg Liquid Fuel Piping: Petroleum, Liquid Hydrogen
100 kg Steel.png
Hydrocarbon Combustion
Stores Liquid Oxygen for burning rocket fuels.
Liquid oxygen improves the thrust-to-mass ratio of rocket fuels.
2700 kg Liquid Oxygen Piping: Liquid Oxygen
100 kg Steel.png
Cryofuel Combustion
Burns Petroleum to propel rockets for space exploration.
The engine of a rocket must be built first before more rocket modules may be added.
Rockets can be used to send Duplicants into space and retrieve rare resources.
Liquid Fuel Tank
Solid or Liquid Oxidizer Tank
Command Capsule
200 kg Steel.png
Hydrocarbon Combustion
Burns Refined Iron and Oxylite to increase rocket exploration distance.
Additional thrusters allow rockets to reach far away space destinations.
800 kg -400 kg Iron/launch
-400 kg Oxylite/launch
200 kg Steel.png
Solid Fuel Combustion
Stores Oxylite for burning rocket fuels.
Solid oxidizers allows rocket fuel to be efficiently burned in the vacuum of space.
2700 kg Oxylite
100 kg Steel.png
Hydrocarbon Combustion
Utilizes Steam to propel rockets for space exploration. The engine of a rocket must be built first before more rocket modules may be added.
Rockets can be used to send Duplicants into space and retrieve rare resources.
900 kg Steam Ventilation: Steam Command Capsule
2000 kg Steel.png
Introductory Rocketry

Cargo Modules

In Name Description Storage Output Materials Research
Allow Duplicants to store unusual of organic resources found during space missions.
Stored resources become available to the colony upon the rocket's return.
Biological cargo bays allow Duplicants to retrieve alien plants and wildlife from space.
1000 kg Steel.png
Unique Cargo
Allows Duplicants to store any Solid resources found during space missions.
Stored resources become available to the colony upon the rocket's return.
Duplicants will fill cargo bays with whatever resources they find during their space missions.
1000 kg
1000 kg Steel.png
1000 kg Resource Category Raw Mineral.png
Solid Cargo
Allows Duplicants to store any Gas resources found during space missions.
Stored resources become available to the colony upon the rocket's return.
Duplicants will fill cargo canisters with whatever resources they find during their space missions.
1,000 kg Gas Ventilation: Gas
1000 kg Steel.png
Liquid and Gas Cargo
Allows Duplicants to store any Liquid resources found during space missions.
Stored resources become available to the colony upon the rocket's return.
Duplicants will fill cargo tanks with whatever resources they find during space missions.
1,000 kg Liquid Piping: Liquid
1000 kg Steel.png
Liquid and Gas Cargo

Other Buildings

In Name Description Requires Automation Materials Research
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Allows Solid Materials to be moved out of rocket storage via Conveyor Rails.
Must be built within the interior of a Rocket Module.
Cannot be built on Window Tiles.
25 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Solid Control
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Allows Solid Materials to be moved into rocket storage via Conveyor Rails.
Why organize your shelves when you can just shove everything in here?
Must be built within the interior of a Rocket Module.
Cannot be built on Window Tiles.
25 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Solid Control
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Maps Starmap destinations.
Assigned Duplicants must possess the Astronomy skill.
Reveals visitable Planetoid in space... in comfort!
Duplicant operation Input
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Celestial Detection
Provides scaffolding across rocket modules to allow Duplicant access.
A gantry can be built over rocket pieces where tiles and ladders cannot.
Green: Extend
Red: Retract
200 kg Steel.png
Introductory Rocketry
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Allows Gases to be pumped into rocket storage via pipes.
It's basically central-vac...
Must be built within the interior of a Rocket Module.
Cannot be built on Window Tiles.
25 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Gas Distribution
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Allows Gases to be drawn from rocket storage via pipes.
Refreshing breezes on-demand.
Must be built within the interior of a Rocket Module.
Cannot be built on Window Tiles.
25 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Gas Distribution
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Launches Interplanetary Payloads between planetoids. Payload can contain Solid, Liquid, or Gas materials. Cannot transport Duplicants.
It's tempting to climb inside but trust me... don't.
Radbolt Input Port
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
High Velocity Transport
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Allows Liquids to be pumped into rocket storage via pipes.
Begone, foul waters!
Must be built within the interior of a Rocket Module.
Cannot be built on Window Tiles.
25 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Liquid Distribution
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Allows Liquids to be drawn from rocket storage via pipes.
Now if only we had some water balloons...
Must be built within the interior of a Rocket Module.
Cannot be built on Window Tiles.
25 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Liquid Distribution
Fires Blastshot shells at meteor showers to defend the colony from impact-related damage.
Range: 16 tiles horizontally, 32 tiles vertically.
Some meteors drop harvestable resources when they're blown to smithereens.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Provides guidance data to rocket pilots within range, to improve rocket speed. Duplicant operation
Inside a Laboratory
Clear line of sight to space
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
400 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Hydrocarbon Propulsion
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Unpacks Interplanetary Payloads delivered by Duplicants or Auto-Sweepers.
Automatically separates Solid, Liquid, and Gas materials and distributes them to the appropriate systems.
Payload openers can be hooked up to conveyors, plumbing and ventilation for improved sorting.
100 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Robotic Tools
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Provides Power to connected buildings.
Pulls power from Battery Modules and Rocket Engines.
Outlets conveniently power buildings inside a cockpit using their rocket's power stores.
Must be built within the interior of a Rocket Module.
Cannot be built on Window Tiles.
25 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Space Power
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Allows Duplicants to use pilot-operated rockets and control access to interior buildings.
Assigned Duplicants must have the Rocket Piloting skill.
Someone needs to be around to jiggle the controls when the screensaver comes on.
Duplicant operation Input
Green: Restrict access to interior buildings
Red: Unrestrict access to interior buildings
100 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Space Program
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Allows Rockets to launch from and land on the host Planetoid.
A Platform from which Rockets can be launched and on which they can land.
Green: Launch Rocket
Red: Cancel Launch
800 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Space Program
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Automatically links when built to the side of a Rocket Platform or any Rocket Port.
Allows rocket platforms to be built farther apart.
must be built next to a Rocket Platform or Rocket Port
200 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Refined Renovations
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Sends Green Signals at the chosen starmap locations and Red Signals everywhere else. Output
Green: current location in filter
Red: current location not in filter
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Generic Sensors
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Guides Interplanetary Payloads to land nearby. Input
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
100 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
High Velocity Transport
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Reveals visible Planetoids.
Assigned Duplicants must possess the Astronomy trait.
Telescopes are necessary for studying space, allowing rocket travel to other worlds.
Duplicant operation Input
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Advanced Research