Stations (Building)

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Stations are buildings at which Duplicants can Research, make or use Clothes, operate Rooms or (de)specialize. All station buildings require continous operation by a Duplicant, however there are numerous other such buildings in the Food, Refinement, Plumbing, Furniture and Rocketry categories.

List of station buildings

In Name Description Effects Materials Research
Analyses and extracts Neutronium from artifacts of interest.
800 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Durable Life Support
Marks a threshold where Duplicants must change into or out of Atmo Suits.
Must be built next to an Atmo Suit Dock.
Can be rotated before construction.
A checkpoint must have an atmo suit dock built on the opposite side its arrow faces.
100 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Hazard Protection
Stores and recharges Atmo Suits. Build next to an Atmo Suit Checkpoint to make Duplicants change into suits when passing by.
An atmo suit dock will empty atmo suits of waste, but only one suit can charge at a time.
100 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Hazard Protection
Produces Blastshot from Refined Metals combined with Petroleum. Duplicants will not fabricate items unless recipes are queued.
Blashot shells are an effective defense against incoming meteor showers.
Produces Blastshot
Carbon Dioxide: 12.5 g/s @ 40 °C
800 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
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Identifies new Seed Subspecies.
Would a mutated Rose still smell as sweet?
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Upgrades Snazzy Suits into Primo Garb.
Duplicants will not fabricate items unless recipes are queued.
Allows skilled Duplicants to add extra personal pizzazz to their wardrobe.
Fabricates Primo Garb
200 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Home Luxuries
Produces items and equipment for Duplicant use.
Duplicants will not fabricate items unless recipes are queued.
Produces Oxygen Masks
200 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Forges protective Exosuits for Duplicants to wear.
Duplicants will not fabricate items unless recipes are queued.
Exosuits can be filled with oxygen to allow Duplicants to safely enter hazardous areas.
400 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Hazard Protection
Produces Micronutrient Fertilizer to increase Plant growth rates.
Assigned Duplicants must possess the Crop Tending trait.
This building is a necessary component of the Greenhouse room.
This station only has an effect on crops grown within the same room.
Produces 1 Micronutrient Fertilizer per use
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Agriculture (Research)
Increases the Temperature and output of an analyzed Geyser
Multiple Geotuners can be directed at a single Geyser anywhere on an asteroid.
The targeted geyser receives stored amplification data when it is erupting.
400 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Superheated Forging
Allows the assigned Rancher to care for critters.
Assigned Duplicants must possess the Critter Wrangling trait.
This building is a necessary component of the Stable room.
Grooming critters make them look nice, smell pretty, feel happy, and produce more.
Enables Critters grooming.
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Ranching (Research)
Marks a threshold where Duplicants must change into or out of Jet Suits.
Must be built next to a Jet Suit Dock.
Can be rotated before construction.
A checkpoint must have a jet suit dock built on the opposite side its arrow faces.
200 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Stores and refuels Jet Suits with Oxygen and Petroleum.
Build next to a Jet Suit Checkpoint to make Duplicants change into suits when passing by.
Jet Suit Docks can refill jet suits with air and fuel, or empty them of waste.
200 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
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Marks a threshold where Duplicants must change into or out of Lead Suits.
Must be built next to a Lead Suit Dock
Can be rotated before construction.
A checkpoint must have a correlating dock built on the opposite side its arrow faces.
100 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Radiation Protection
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Stores Lead Suits and refuels them with Oxygen.
Empties suits of '"`UNIQ--templatestyles-00000029-QINU`"'Polluted WaterPolluted Water.
Build next to a Lead Suit Checkpoint to make Duplicants change into suits when passed by.
Lead suit docks can refill lead suits with air and empty them of waste.
100 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Radiation Protection
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Conducts Applied Sciences Research to unlock new technologies.
Comes with a few ions thrown in, free of charge.
Produces Applied Sciences Research points
400 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Materials Science Research
Allows Duplicants with the Critter Ranching II skill to milk Gassy Moos for Brackene. Brackene can be used to refill the Critter Fountain.
The harvested liquid is basically the equivalent of soda for critters.
400 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
200 kg Plastic.png
Brackene Flow
Creates Data Banks that can be consumed at a Virtual Planetarium to unlock new technologies.
Orbital Data Collection Labs record data while orbiting a Planetoid and write it to a Data Bank.
Orbital Research
200 kg Plastic.png
Crash Plan
Marks a threshold where Duplicants must put on or take of an Oxygen Masks.
Must be built next to an Oxygen Mask Dock.
A checkpoint must have an oxygen masksdock built on the opposite side its arrow faces.
100 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Portable Gases
Stores Oxygen Masks and refuels them with OxygenOxygen.
Built next to an Oxygen Mask Checkpoint to make Duplicants put on an Oxygen Mask when passing by.
An Oxygen Mask dock is a handy holding place for an Oxygen Mask when it isn't in use.
100 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Portable Gases
Produces Microchip to increase the Power output of generators.
Assigned Duplicants must possess the Electrical Enginering Skill
This building is a necessary component of the Power Plant room.
Only one Duplicant may be assigned to a station at a time.
Produces 1 Microchip per use
200 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Sound Amplifiers
Conducts Novice Research to unlock new technologies.
Research stations are necessary for unlocking all research tiers.
Produces Novice Research Points
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Allows the assigned Rancher to shear Dreckos.
Shearing stations allow eligible Critters to be safely sheared for useful raw materials.
Visiting this building restores Critters' physical and emotional well-being
Shears Dreckos, Delecta Voless or Floxes
400 kg Resource Category Raw Mineral.png
Refunds a Duplicant's Skill Points for reassignment.
Duplicants will lose all assigned skills in the process.
Erase skills from a Duplicant's mind, returning them to their default abilities.
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Advanced Research
Conducts Advanced Research to unlock new technologies.
Assigned Duplicants must possess the Super Computer Researching trait.
Super computers unlock higher technology tiers than research stations alone.
Produces Advanced Research Points
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Advanced Research (Research)
Maps Starmap destinations.
Assigned Duplicants must possess the Geographical Analysis trait.
Building must be exposed to space to function.
Telescopes are necessary for learning starmaps and conducting rocket missions.
Unlocks the Starmap and destinations.
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Celestial Detection
Tailors Duplicant Clothing items.
Duplicants will not fabricate items unless recipes are queued.
A textile loom can be used to spin Reed Fiber into wearable Duplicant clothing.
200 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Textile Production
Conducts Interstellar Research using data from Telescopes and Research Modules.
Assigned Duplicants must possess the Planetarium Researching trait.
Planetariums allow the simulated exploration of locations discovered with a telescope.
Produces Interstellar Research Points
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png

Removed Buildings

Name Description Materials Research
Employment can permanently improve Duplicants' skills and teach them unique traits.
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Trains Duplicants to become Astronauts.
Duplicants must possess the Astronaut-in-Training trait to receive training.
Duplicants must complete astronaut training in order to pilot space rockets.
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Celestial Detection