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207167 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on February 20, 2017. Official Release Notes

Update Information

  • fixed crash that could occur if dupes attempted to pickup an item of zero mass
  • fixed crash when you looked at the disease tooltip as it was expiring
  • fixed crash when dupes went to eat at a table, decided they had to go to the bathroom and then went back to eating
  • fixed huge performance drop when the top of the world accidentally got transformed into a huge mercury pool and liquid was spawning everywhere(only fixes the problem in new worlds)
  • fixed a crash when you tried to move a dupe outside of the world
  • fixed a crash when you tried to tell a dupe's corpse to get out of the way
  • fixed a crash when a mealwood was blocked from growing and was at the wrong temperature
  • fixed another crash when renaming dupes

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If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also