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TB-247173 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on December 14, 2017. Official Release Notes

Update Information

  • Fix issue where Duplicants would incorrectly compute paths
  • Fix crash that could occur when exiting to the main menu
  • Layering fixes for Tubes and Tube Tiles
  • Fix bad text for Compostables
  • Fix autosave names getting infinitely long and crashing
  • Updated artwork for the Transit Tube Access
  • Tube Access meter loads correctly
  • Fix crash when typing a '.' in to a number input
  • Correct layout of the audio options screen
  • Diamond can now be stored under the "Miscellaneous" category
  • Clicking outside the world no longer crashes the game
  • Fix for open doors destroying contained elements

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also