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RU-284510 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on September 4, 2018. Official Release Notes

Update Information

  • Gas Grass plants default to not-auto harvesting.
  • Add Gas Grass to "Miscellaneous" storage category.
  • Oxylite Refinery and Gas Emptying Station sound hookup.
  • Updated Gas Emptying Station sfx.
  • Gas Bottler will prevent minions from fetching from it until the storage is full (10kg) and then it will animate and present a bottle. Once a dupe takes that bottle or even part of that bottle, the building will need to buffer up again to full before emitting another bottle.
  • Gas bottle emptier is now 2x3.
  • Rockets return elements at their default temperatures.
  • Liquids and gasses can now be pumped out of liquid and gas cargo bays.
  • Cargo bays have sealed storage.
  • Fixed unselectable command module bug.
  • Slicksters will prioritize egg laying over inhaling so that they will lay eggs more reliably in low gas availability environments.
  • Liquid and gas cargo bays no longer dispense contents to conduits while in flight.
  • Fixed an issue where a dupe could become stuck in the incapacitated state if the cell to the left and to the right of the dupe were inaccessible.
  • Fixed compost description.

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If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also