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U35-477316 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on September 2, 2021. Official Release Notes

Update Information


Hello everyone!

Today we're starting Public Testing of the next update for Spaced Out!.

So far this includes a couple new buildings and some changes to how rocket ranges are calculated.

Rockets now consume fuel during take off and landing. Range calculations have been updated accordingly. We also found it fitting to adjust the tuning of rocket engines. In particular we increased the relative range of the Hydrogen engine by a large amount and reduced the relative range of the Radbolt engine.

Rockets with the "round trip" toggle active will complete their harvest of space POIs before returning to their home world.

The Automation Broadcaster and Automation Broadcast Receiver buildings allow automation signals to be sent wirelessly so long as both buildings have a view of space. This even works between asteroids and spacecraft. The broadcast has a range of 5 hexes on the starmap.

A number of bug fixes are also included. The full patch notes are listed below.

Please let us know in the bug forums if you see anything unexpected. We appreciate your feedback!

What does this testing branch contain so far?

  • Features
    • Added Automation Broadcaster and Automation Broadcast Receiver buildings
  • Changes & Improvements
    • Updated Korean and Russian Localizations
    • Spaced Out! Only
      • Rockets now burn one hex worth of fuel when taking off and landing.
      • Rockets in old save files that are in-flight and have at least some fuel or oxidizer in their tanks will have their fuel and oxidizer tanks topped off to prevent stranding rockets.
      • Rebalanced rocket engine fuel consumption rates, resulting in changes to the ranges of rockets.
      • Increased CO2 Engine range from 4 to 6
      • Increased Sugar Engine range from 4 to 6
      • Increased Steam Engine range from 6 to 10
      • Increased Small Petrol Engine fuel efficiency to change base range from 6 to 10
      • Increased Petrol Engine fuel efficiency to change range per tank from 6 to 10
      • Increased Hydrogen Engine fuel efficiency to change range per tank from 9 to 16
      • Reduced the number of Radbolts the Radbolt engine can store from 4800 to 4000.
      • This results in a maximum range decrease of 24 to 20
      • The length of the pending path is now shown when selecting a rocket destination.
      • Rockets with the RoundTrip toggle active will now wait until POI harvesting is complete before returning to their source.
      • Spacefarer Conduit Port Tiles art revision
      • Ladder Bed art and animation revision.
      • Wall Toilet's output is only blocked by substantial liquid.
      • Added Ladder Bed sound
      • Added sound for rocket scout lander landing sequence
  • Fixes
    • Fixed issue that could cause an unexpected column of natural tiles to appear on load.
    • Removed stray black lines sticking out from some tile artwork.
    • Duplicants and critters no longer idle in locations where Airflow Tiles, Mesh Tiles, Insulated Tiles, and Farm Tiles are being constructed.
    • Wall Pot can now be placed next to a tile under construction
    • Fixed Drecko description in Care Package screen to reflect its true diet.
    • Added missing input bindings text for tools.
    • Fixed typo in dying off germs tooltip
    • Duplicants can no longer use a Mess Table when it's non-operational.
    • Base Game Only
      • Fixed crash clicking on Red Alert notification.
    • Spaced Out! Only
      • Fixed disappearing progress bar of the Radbolt Generator when switching to Materials/Decor overlays.
      • Wall Toilet is no longer operational when missing wall tiles.
      • Fixed issue for dynamic music "To the Stars" where it only played the beginning section

What is public testing?

"Public testing" means players get to test-drive new content early and give us feedback and suggestions before it goes live. Because this is an unfinished and in active development version of the game, it's pretty likely you'll encounter bugs, crashes or balance issues while playing these builds. We'll try to fix any problems that crop up as quickly as we can, but it's possible you'll lose progress in your games while playing on the Testing branch.

Regarding performance, the Testing branch has additional debugging tools enabled to help us track down crashes. This makes the game run more slowly than the live version of the game.

Please also be aware that once a save is loaded in the Testing branch, it cannot be reopened again in the previous Live branch or previous builds.

What do I do if I find a crash or a bug?

Post it up on the Bug Tracker and we'll fix it as soon as we can. If you can attach a copy of your save file to your report, that helps us even more as we can pinpoint the source of problem more quickly.

Do I have to play the public testing build?

Nope! If you'd prefer to only play a stable build, you can continue to play in the current Default branch until the game launches in full. Playing the Open Testing build isn't necessary, but it helps us a lot to receive your feedback and reports - if you're interested, try it out!

How do I become an public tester?

There's no sign up or registration for becoming an open tester. If you own Oxygen Not Included plus the Spaced Out! DLC and want to join the Testing Branch, all you have to do is play the Open Testing build on Steam.

How do I play the public testing build?

You can switch your branch on Steam using the instructions below:

How to change branches in Oxygen Not Included (Steam)

  • In Steam, click on Library > Games.
  • Scroll down to Oxygen Not Included.
  • Right-click and select Properties.
  • Go to the BETAS tab.
  • In the dropdown, select the name of the branch you want to play. In this case, the branch name is "public_testing"
    • This branch does not require a password.
  • In that same Properties window, go to the Local Files tab and press "Verify Integrity Of Game Cache."
  • Your game will be updated to the the previous branch.
  • Launch and play Oxygen Not Included

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

Affected Pages

Page Reflected Version
Gas Input Port
Gas Output Port
Liquid Input Port
Liquid Output Port
Automation Broadcaster561558
Automation Receiver561558
Carbon Dioxide Engine494396
Hydrogen Engine (Spaced Out)478755
Ladder Bed582745
Petroleum Engine (Spaced Out)623711
Radbolt Engine623711
Rocketry (Spaced Out)469473
Small Petroleum Engine623711
Starmap (Spaced Out)490405
Steam Engine (Spaced Out)509629
Sugar Engine494396

See Also