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U39-489642 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on December 7, 2021. Official Release Notes

Update Information

Hi everyone,

Just a small set of changes we wanted to sneak into the Public Testing branch before the update goes live. Full list below. Please continue to report any bugs you encounter here. Thanks!

Changes and Improvements

  • All versions
    • Updated all localizations


  • All versions
    • Fixed crash which could sometimes happen if a diagnostic was set to Never Visible.
    • Fixed Destination select screen left column failing to resize properly at low resolutions.
  • Spaced Out! only
    • Fixed crash when a rocket is destroyed while a Space Scanner is configured to detect it.
    • Fixed crash deconstructing a Rocket Control Station.
    • Fix for seeds being unplantable after uprooting a plant.
    • Fixed crash when a critter leaves attack range.
    • Fixed issue where a lead suit that had its battery depleted then refilled would not provide Duplicant insulation bonus.
    • Modding:
      • Added KInputDefinition.BindingEntry constructor without dlcIds parameter so existing mods do not need to be recompiled.

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also