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TU-211867 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on March 28, 2017. Official Release Notes

Update Information

Thermal Upgrade is now Live!


  • New Ice Biome
  • New buildings including the Space Heater, Liquid Tepidizer, Textile Factory and Thermo Switch
  • New Duplicant outfits
  • New Plants
  • New Steam Geysers
  • Food can now be preserved in sterile and/or cold environments
  • Pipes can now burst, and will take damage if the wrong element is piped into them
  • Duplicants are temperature sensitive and will get stressed in hot and cold areas
  • Duplicants can overheat and develop temperature-based diseases
  • Circuits can overload
  • Buildings can overheat
  • Mechanized Airlocks can be assigned custom access permissions
  • Dupes will now auto-repair buildings

Change List


  • Research and cooking buildings no longer provide restful sleep
  • Dupes will always eat the least fresh item out of a food container
  • Better player feedback for rotting food
  • Ore properly melts
  • Creatures can no longer walk through “auto” or “closed” doors
  • The refill percent on the coal generator can now be set
  • Tiles display the correct temperature
  • Panning speed scales based on zoom level
  • Fixed invisible Muckroot plants
  • Added a jump between ladders that are one tile away to fix a case where building a ladder could prevent Dupes from going back the way they came
  • Fixed many mass conservation bugs in plumbing systems
  • Improved mass conservation on doors closing
  • Improved mass conservation on tile construction
  • Improved mass conservation of falling liquids
  • Shower liquid output temperature is same as input
  • Pumps consume liquid/gas from the four cells they cover instead of the bottom left cell only
  • Storage shows food freshness
  • Algae Terrariums no longer stop working if their inventory is full
  • Composting interval is much longer so it spits out larger chunks
  • Mealwood Plants now give negative decor
  • Tiles which have taken liquid pressure damage are now repairable
  • Dupes no longer get stuck when the ladder they were standing on gets deconstructed
  • Lights will no longer appear “on” if something else in the area is shining light on top of them
  • Fixed zombie Morbs
  • Memory optimization
  • Fmod upgrade (should resolve some audio crashes)
  • Misc crash/bug fixes

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also