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TB-246879 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on December 13, 2017. Official Release Notes

Update Information


Schedule Update

Hey everybody, and welcome to the Tubular Upgrade! The Oxygen Not Included team is going on holiday break so we're squeezing in an early smaller update before we go on vacation. We'll resume our normal update schedule when we return in January.

What's New?


Advanced tube technology has been introduce to the world of Oxygen Not Included as a new tier of transportation, above ladders and fire poles. Using refined plastics, you can now craft new Tube buildings throughout your base and drastically improve travel time while sending your Dupes on a ride.

Key Features
  • Transit Tubes: New Transit Tubes, Transit Accesses, and Tube Crossings have been added to help your Duplicants zoom from place to place in futuristic style. Tubular!
  • Ice Sculptures: Build new glittering ice sculptures in your base for a well-earned decor boost... but be sure to turn the thermostat down.
  • Berry Sludge: A "delicious" new recipe has been whipped up at the Microbe Musher, creating a sludge of mashed up berries with an exceptionally long spoilage time.
  • QOL, performance enhancements, and more: This will, as usual, address many important bug fixes and game crashes, but more importantly it will drastically improve frame rate and functionality in late game saves or bases that met certain conditions (like a great deal of items in storage, for example). Those who saw frame rate crawl in earlier games should see a major change, so get back out there and push the limits of your base expansion!

Change List

Added Features:

  • New building: Transit Tube
  • New statue: Ice Sculpture
  • New recipe: Berry Sludge
  • New Platform: Linux
  • New Song
  • New clock sensor side screen

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

  • Farming overlay should now work correctly
  • Typing in the rename window no longer triggers hotkeys
  • Hover text no longer shows up in the wrong spot after resizing the game’s window
  • Athletics no longer improves the speed at which you descend a fire pole(but it does affect the speed at which you climb them)
  • Naphtha now flows properly
  • Rot piles are now compostable
  • Calorie display should no longer display negative values when your colony has an excessive amount of calories
  • Rock Granulator can now be prioritized
  • Fixed an issue where doors could get their temperature set to zero Kelvin on load
  • Hypothermia should no longer reduce your Cooking skill by 5 twice
  • Slickster shouldn’t get stuck under water as frequently
  • Added automation audio options to the options menu
  • Report screen now has a breakdown of stress factors
  • Time breakdown in reports screen is now sorted
  • Time breakdown has different entries for each delivery type
  • No longer gain athletics experience when descending fire poles
  • Dupes should no longer complain about a lack of oxygen when they’re dead
  • Popped Eardrums should now only occur in areas with many cells of high pressure oxygen
  • Fixed crash report text rendering
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a creature died while it was selected
  • Fixed a bug where turning on and off certain overlays while a dupe’s gun effects were playing would cause those effects to remain on screen even after * they were done using the gun
  • Fixed a bug where a dupe could jump to a tile that was (2,1) away but be unable to jump back
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a toilet was destroyed right after being used
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if several pieces of sand fell on top of each other and were entombed on the same frame
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the build menu when switching between materials
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a tile melted
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if the temperature simulation was dealing with infinitely small mass
  • Fixed light beam rendering on Linux/OSX
  • Fixed an issue where the game was not using the correct resolution on startup on OSX
  • Fixed temperature overlay rendering that could occur depending on your graphics drivers on Linux
  • Fixed a crash that could occur at startup on Linux depending on your locale

Specific Performance Improvements:

  • Fixed a performance leak that could occur in areas with several moving objects(ore/falling water)
  • Improved reachability detection performance
  • Improved gpu command buffer generation performance
  • Improved autodisinfect detection performance
  • Improved farming overlay performance
  • Improved physics performance
  • Improved storage performance
  • Improved hover text performance
  • Improved anim rendering performance
  • Improved pipe temperature simulation performance
  • Improved pipe simulation performance
  • Improved pipe ball rendering performance
  • Improved pathfinding performance
  • Improved nav grid creation performance

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also