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AU-218235 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on May 28, 2017. Official Release Notes

Update Information

  • pipe contents should no longer reset their temperature
  • loading a game with old audio drivers should no longer cause a crash
  • input bindings screen will show some feedback for when you should press a key
  • harvest bonus should now display the proper amount of points earned
  • selecting clothing should no longer cause a crash
  • liquid should now properly flow through hydroponic tiles
  • plants should now display the air pressure and temperature they use for their conditions
  • maturity tooltips distinguis between stifled and ready for harvest
  • geysers should no longer overpressurize
  • compost should now produce warmer fertilizer
  • pumps are no longer biased towards sampling gases/liquids in their bottom left corner
  • pumps should now properly report whether they are blocked
  • clicking on follow cam a second time disables the follow cam
  • last used save file can now be uploaded as part of the crash report
  • multiple doors beside each other should no longer freeze the area around them and should no longer crash
  • hydroponic tiles can now be emptied
  • fertilizer maker should now use it's internal storage even if it's input pipe is empty
  • dupes should no longer use cooking utensils to clean the toilet(this was also the cause of some of the crashes people were getting)
  • geysers should no longer emit four times more mass than indicated by the ui
  • gas/liquid permeable tiles will try and displace ore, gas and liquid when constructed
  • loading text is now localizable
  • dupes should no longer jump off the manual generator to get to a massage table only to have to go back to the manual generator because the massage table has run out of power
  • things marked for sweeping should still be marked for sweeping after a save load
  • you should now be able to build wire bridges on top of heavy watt wires
  • added even more missing Korean characters to the Korean font
  • changed the default font for localized languages to RobotoCondensed since it looks/fits better
  • batteries should no longer appear idle when connected to a transformer
  • plant status items should now tell you when you've irrigated them with the wrong liquid

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also