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OU-229982 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on August 24, 2017. Official Release Notes

Update Information

- Reverted research speed to previous speed. This will increase research speed for skilled researchers.

We are also noticing that many players are experiencing disease much earlier than we expected. We are investigating this and will be putting out a hotfix next week to address this.

We also hear the feedback that players would like to see more depth in the interactions of systems in the game, instead of simply more obstacles. We've been working hard on the base systems, and starting with the next update we will be focused on more depth within these systems.

Thanks again for your support!

Change List

  • Reverted research speed to previous speed. This will increase research speed for skilled researchers.

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also