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RP-379337 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on November 12, 2019. Official Release Notes

Update information

Hello friends!

Today we start testing a free ONI update: Meep's Manadatory Recreation Content Pack! This is a content pack with a set of new recreation buildings to help our Duplicants relax and enjoy the leisure time all that Automation has brought to them.

As well, we've added a new mechanic called “Overjoyed Responses” which gives a chance of bonus improvements to decor or productivity along with new Overjoyed reaction animations when Duplicant morale is much higher than expectations!

The team has been hard at work these last few months improving performance issues, as well as working on bigger things for the future. We figured it's been a while since Launch and you all deserve a little something nice while you're waiting.

We've fixed a number of bugs in this update as well, so thank you so much to everyone who has reported bugs in the forum! We always appreciate your reports and feedback!

What does this testing branch contain so far?

Here are the changes we've made so far in this Pack, loosely categorized:

New and Notable Features

New Joy Reactions

  • Balloon Artist
  • Sparkle Streaker
  • Super Productive
  • Sticker Bomber

New Buildings

Improvements and Fixes


  • Update desalinator sounds


  • The first rockets and Duplicants sent to the temporal tear do not return
  • Fix crash when loading older saves that do not have a world definition
  • Fix Bed and Bath achievement being permanently failed
  • Fix crash when MODs trigger a write access dialog
  • Fix lit workspace buff not correctly applying when researching
  • Fix crash when building items with liquid conduit input or output
  • Eating in a well lit area no longer causes Duplicants to waste calories
  • Fix Duplicants overlapping walls when emptying the Algae Terrarium
  • Fix overlay icon crash when building
  • Fix conduit crash when loops are present
  • Steam turbines correctly obtain boost from Engie's Tune-up
  • Do not cancel tune-up errands if a building becomes nonfunctional
  • Fix a crash when opening the pause menu for a save whose world ID is missing
  • Fix Duplicants getting stuck in a loop if they are incapacitated near the bottom of a ladder
  • Duplicants now auto-assign to a Medical Cot if they get to critical health.
  • Reduce texture usage on the Ethanol Distillery
  • Baby Pacu variants now use the correct animations
  • Save files work correctly when moving between OSes
  • Fix several buildings not playing their "finish up" animations
  • Fix bug where pumps will toggle blocked status even when flowing freely
  • Fix "Not 0K, But Pretty Cool" achievement not calculating minimum correctly
  • Add notarization to macOS builds
  • Update the Mod Uploader tool for macOS Catalina

Logging/Crash Reporter

  • Print more explicit error messages to the log file when IO errors occur
  • Add ModUploader logging to macOS builds
  • Improve errors when trying to load Yaml files


  • Fix load screen reloading files unnecessarily
  • Add Low Res Textures option to the graphics menu


  • Load screen now stretches to fit the width of the screen
  • Fix lit workspace tooltip
  • Remove extra description for carpeted tile
  • Align decor text in building descriptions
  • Fixed order of cycle entries in My Log database
  • Fix various keyword highlights in tooltips
  • Fix newly researched build categories not appearing when there are insufficient materials
  • Fix video playback on Linux
  • Update power circuit descriptions
  • Load screen now correctly groups saves by colony
  • Improve readability of date text when a save game is selected in the load screen
  • Add spaces to keyboard shortcut commands
  • Remove unused hotkey build menu strings
  • Truncate the displayed mod list in error messages when it gets too large

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also