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EX1-442408 is an update for Oxygen Not Included - Spaced Out! released on November 25, 2020. Official Release Notes

Update Information

So the main news of the day is that the Cloud Saves preview has gone live! But there's an update to the DLC alpha as well:

Features and New Improvements

Thursday morning hot hot hot hotfix: 442408

  • Fix for crash when deconstructing a rocket habitat module with active chores inside

Hot hot hotfix: 442269

  • Fixed a loading crash when a duplicant was inside the Teleporter Transmitter when saved.
  • Fixed issue preventing configuration of priorities on buildings

Original update: 442196

  • Performance: Update pinned resources less frequently
  • Fix some worldgen failures caused by misconfigured oil biomes.
  • Rebalance of new food Care Packages
  • Prevent the Warp Conduit POIs from spawning too close to the oil biome
  • Prevent boon POIs from spawning in the chasm on the rocket world
  • Performance: Deodourizers were flickering active/inactive way too often, tweaked the way they consume vs. process polluted oxygen to improve stability.
  • Fixed broken hotkeys in the overlay tooltips
  • Cargo landers (Trailblazer, Scout) now have a landing animation.
  • Performance: Improved an expensive check related to Yellow Alert
  • Slight rebalance to Grubfruit berries and Preserved berries recipe
  • Fix crash caused by disabling the Solid Dispenser connected to the Warp Conduit Receiver
  • Fix overlapping build menu icons
  • Cloud saves enabled for the Spaced Out alpha
  • Plug Slugs now output variable power depending on their hunger levels
  • Fix another crash if a door is selected when construction completes
  • Fix steam turbines deleting some of their input
  • Duplicants who are sent via Trailblazer module have their rocket assignment cleared
  • Duplicants travelling between worlds have their building assignments properly cleared
  • Fix crash from trying to unlock a codex entry that doesn't exist
  • Note for Linux players: The crashing on Linux was being caused by a mismatch between the base game and the DLC which should now be resolved with the Cloud Saves patch. Let us know if it works for you!
  • Note for Mac users who were on the preview branch: Some people have reported issues switching back to the "default" branch of the game, where MacOS says "The application can't be opened." If this happens, you'll have to uninstall and re-install the game through Steam. If that doesn't fix it, please try the fix in this bug report.

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also