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AP-396243 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on February 24, 2020. Official Release Notes

Update Information

  • Final art for Wattage Sensor
  • Final art for the Signal Selector and some small art revisions to the Signal Distributor
  • Massage Table sidescreen tooltip formatting.
  • Massage Table, Smart Battery, Liquid Reservoir, Gas Reservoir sidescreen tooltips now load correctly the first time.
  • NOT Gate now operates correctly on a Logic Ribbon.
  • Fixed strings while hovering over all of the input/control/output ports of the Signal Selector and Signal Distributor.
  • Counter no longer falsely increments if a game is loaded where the current count equals the target count.
  • Sweepy's name label is show in world UI
  • Sweepy is renameable. A sweepys name is stored by its base station and restored if the sweepy needs to be rebuilt
  • It's no longer possible to order sweepy to be swept up.
  • Building Automation Wires while a Counter is receiving a Green Signal no longer causes an increment.
  • Conduit sensor descriptions and Sweepy 'its' vs 'their' uniformity
  • Fix "Flaking" bug. Tiles and doors will no longer partially melt when they get too warm
  • Fix cases where doors would technically be melted but the building wouldn't go away
  • Updated automation wire damage fx
  • Fix Liquid Reservoir Output Red string.
  • Final art for Counter
  • Reduce memory allocations from reports during loading (~200mb in large colonies)
  • Reduce filesize usage from reports
  • Reduce memory allocations loading up animations (~300mb)
  • Reduce memory allocations from buildings during load (~300mb in large colonies)
  • Improve speed of saving reports
  • Improve speed of saving buildings

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If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also