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TU-210794 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on March 20, 2017. Official Release Notes

Update Information

There are still a number of things we want to fix/tune in the preview, so we have a new target release date for the Thermal Upgrade on May 29th.

For now we have a bunch of fixes and changes today. Thanks for all the great feedback and bug reports, please keep them coming!

  • fertilization tuning, plants require more fertilizer, fert maker produces less
  • bristle blossoms have a lower max temperature
  • dupes should no longer get stuck trying to go through locked pneumatic doors
  • dupes should no longer get stuck trying to attack creatures that are no longer in reach
  • loading a save game from the main menu no longer causes music to behave strangely
  • plants should no longer fail to produce their crop if they become stifled/died soon after being harvested
  • geysers should spawn once again(they will still sometimes become ridiculously overpressurized)
  • zero mass falling liquid should no longer cause a crash
  • coal generator should take much longer to overheat
  • himble reeds should properly grow when submerged and be stifled when exposed
  • pufts should no longer fail to produce slime
  • mush bars should now give you diarrhea
  • iron gut should now actually prevent disease, instead of causing it
  • doors should properly deconstruct and no longer leave behind magical untranslated steel
  • deconstructing a building which had a missing foundation when loading a save game should no longer crash the game
  • pausing the game for a long time while in an overlay should no longer cause the game to run out of memory
  • support for language specific fonts(more details can be found here)     support for chinese character set using a language specific font

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also