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EX1-443064 is an update for Oxygen Not Included - Spaced Out! released on November 30, 2020. Official Release Notes

Update Information

Hello friends,

Happy Monday! Another big batch of fixes today, thanks so much for all your bug reports and gameplay impressions. I've really enjoyed reading all the feedback!

Features and New Improvements

Hotfix 443064

  • Fixed the intro message not showing up on new games and preventing the UI from showing

Hotfix 442898

  • Properly clear assignments when Duplicants change worlds
  • Remove rocket crew from the roster when they take the Trailblazer module
  • Fix rocket crew not leaving when the rocket lands and the crew is set to "Auto"
  • Add new tooltips to the planetoid banners in the vitals/consumables/etc. screens.
  • Plug Slugs will now come to ranchers during the night, even if they're being rude and have to wake up from a comfy sleep.
  • Fixed Mixed Berry Pie trying to use the Sleet Wheat plant instead of grain.
  • Smoother audio transition when flipping worlds
  • Solid tiles in a rocket interior will be returned to the parent world when the interior is destroyed.
  • Fixed broken Database link for Bog Jellies
  • The scout rover is now named Rover.
  • Fix incorrectly scaled background on the Cryotank popup.
  • Fix tooltips on Duplicant stats when selecting a new Duplicant
  • Trailblazer and Rover modules now default to auto-building their lander
  • Removed Yellowcake from worldgen
  • Added "Sandbox/Debug active" to build menu tooltips
  • Added sound for the launch pad scaffolding
  • Fixed search on the diagnostics screen
  • Fixed Yellow Alert getting stuck after a Top Priority sweep was completed
  • Fixed crash selecting a save with removed buildings on Colony Summary screen
  • Add sound effects to Warp Portal Sender/Receiver
  • Partial fix for crashing when loading invalid colony preview images
  • Plug Slugs now warn when they are unable to find a spot to sleep
  • Plug Slug power output is now scaled with the Glum status item
  • Cancel all internal errands when a rocket habitat is deconstructed
  • Correctly spawn seeds from interior plants when a rocket habitat is desconstructed
  • Fix issues moving ores from the interior of a rocket when the habitat is deconstructed
  • Fix requiring the game to be unpaused to see accurate resource values in the side screen. Values will update over the first few seconds of game load as the game tallies all the resources.
  • Added sounds for the rocket control station
  • Digging up Yellowcake will no longer crash the game.
  • Disable world and cluster settings on the custom games screen as they aren't working as intended at the moment.
  • Fix issue where the carbon skimmer sometimes stops working
  • Fix case where the irritation status item would never clear and where the remaining time would be inaccurate
  • Clicking resource rows in the pinned resources panel will once again jump camera/selection to ores of that type
  • More toilet diagnostic finessing to avoid unnecessary diagnostic alerts
  • Food diagnostic always shows latest sample value instead of quarter cycle average value
  • Diagnostic screen and resource windows can no longer be open at the same time
  • Pinned resources update even when game is not paused (better handles sandbox destroy of resources)
  • Fixed crash pressing Esc key before welcome message appears on a new game

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also