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EX1-443461 is an update for Oxygen Not Included - Spaced Out! released on December 2, 2020. Official Release Notes

Update Information

Hello everyone, did you notice it's December already? Did you see the news? Oh, and here's some more fixes!

Features and New Improvements

  • Hooked up new Database icons for biomes
  • Fixed warp conduit receiver activation animation playback issue
  • Fixed another worldgen biome density issue in the Magma biome
  • New game cluster selection screen shows proper asteroid graphics
  • Fixed issue allowing construction of multiple portapods and rocket control stations
  • Fixed an issue where Plug Slugs would sleep for the entirety of the first day when loading an older autosave
  • Duplicants must breath significantly more polluted oxygen before they get the "Yucky Lungs" status effect
  • Updated translations for Russian/Korean/Chinese
  • Reduced capacity of oxygen mask from 75kg (125% of a cycle) to 20kg (33% of a cycle)
  • Fixed the building "size" of the Gravitas windows
  • Fixed a bug where Plug Slugs would continue to wirelessly generate power if they were called away to be groomed during the night
  • Fixed bug that would allow exclusive Duplicant traits to sometimes roll together anyways
  • Exclusions added to some Duplicant traits that were missed
  • Increased sugar engine max modules (4->5). Decreased sugar engine power/speed -40%
  • Decreased CO2 engine max modules (4->3). Decreased CO2 engine fuel capacity (150kg->100kg) reducing range (6->4 tiles). Increased CO2 engine power/speed +20%
  • Moved warp world 1 hex closer to start planetoid
  • Added better tooltips to rocketry info panel for range/speed calculation
  • No longer able to add rocket modules above engine's max (existing saves can have more modules than an engine can support though, just can't launch)
  • Attempted to fix issue with line rendering in starmap and research screen

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

See Also