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EX1-451611 is an update for Oxygen Not Included - Spaced Out! released on February 11, 2021. Official Release Notes

Update Information

Hi friends!

We've been cranking away on some new worldgen and have things in a place where we can put it in the game for you to see. Note: these worlds are still subject to a bit more tweaking, so if you are worried about restarting your game, now would not be a good time to start fresh. But if you want to check out what we've got so far, generate a new cluster and look for these work-in-progress planets!

Additionally, we're working on making it easier to scout further out into the blackness of space, it just wasn't quite ready for today's release. Stay tuned!


  • Worldgen: Added new “Moo Moonlet” to Terra and Swamp Clusters
  • Worldgen: Added new “Water Moonlet” to Terra and Swamp Clusters
  • Add a new "Sap Tree" point of interest. It will appear on newly generated Marshy Moonlets.
  • Worldgen: Moved "outer cluster" worlds further out now that more rocket engines exist
  • Added "Resin" material to the game. This is a precursor to Isoresin
  • Added “Graphite” material and recipes to the game. This is a precursor to Fullerene


  • Added the rocket internal fittings and battery module to the tech tree
  • Rockets automatically request their crew/kick out passengers when the launch button is pressed, rather than requiring correct crew to press the button. This obsoletes the "Auto" crew setting and makes launching a rocket less fiddly
  • Display worldgen failure popup when guaranteed POIs are not successfully placed and return to main menu.
  • Updated Korean and Chinese translations
  • Improved organization of the rocket checklist
  • Rework to the rocket module sidescreen


  • Added more “ready to launch” states to modules


  • Fixed rockets in space being entombed
  • Fixed crash when pressing ESC after loading a game with an invalid ClusterLayout
  • Center moons on the asteroid select
  • Centering Done button on options screens

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

Affected Pages

Page Reflected Version
Graphite (Spaced Out)
Planetoid Clusters (Spaced Out)
Resin (Spaced Out)
Sap Tree (Spaced Out)

See Also