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EX1-455425 is an update for Oxygen Not Included - Spaced Out! released on March 11, 2021. Official Release Notes

Update Information


Hello friends!

The Radiation System is coming out of testing today and is now available for everyone in the Spaced Out! early access! This update introduces the new system and adds basic radiation/nuclear content, with more to follow in the coming updates.

There's a lot of new content already in today's Spaced Out! release, mainly focused around a core loop of converting raw uranium into useful radiation via the Research Reactor, and subsequently capturing that energy using the Radbolt conduit system. This will be the foundation of new infrastructure and systems throughout your bases relying on powerful, yet dangerous, radioactive elements.

As with every system in ONI, we want Radiation to be fundamentally connected to other systems across the entire game, so we've got lots of new parts to make and iterating to do before it's ready. We'll be rolling these pieces out to testing as they come together, and at this time we’re expecting the system to be broadly realized over the next two updates.

We're really excited to finally get this out to you. We know it's been teased for a (very) long time, and we've wanted to do it internally for even longer, so we feel this is a big moment for development. Check it out and let us know what you think, post along any bugs you find, and as always, thank you so much for being on this journey with us!

What's New and Improved?


  • New radiation system
    • Radiation overlay
    • Mineable uranium element
    • New radiation sources including Cosmic radiation, radioactive Wheezeworts, and radioactive Shinebugs
    • Atomic Research Points added to tech tree
    • Added "Radiation Balance" line item to Duplicant's condition panel
  • Beeeeeeeees!
    • New "Beeta" and "Beetiny" critters will refine natural uranium ore
    • Beeta Hives can be harvests for uranium by Duplicants
  • Buildings for producing and harnessing radioactive particles
    • Centrifuge building refines uranium
    • Research Reactor building produces radiation
    • Radbolt Generator and Radbolt Redirector harness radiation to produce high-energy Radbolts
    • Atomic Collider research station turns Radbolts into tech
    • Decontamination shower cleanses both suited Duplicants and their carried items
  • Dupe vulnerability and protection
    • Fallout germ poses ongoing hazard
    • Lead Suits and Checkpoints provide shielding from radiation
    • Decontamination Shower cleanses Dupes and their cargo
    • Radiation Sickness can afflict exposed Duplicants
    • Basic Rad Pill to deal with absorbed radiation
  • And including
    • Radiation Sensor for automation
    • Orbital Research Station and Space Research Points added to tech tree

Changes and Fixes

  • Fixed crashes when deconstructing a door while a Duplicant is passing through
  • Fixed Printing Pod crash when trying to generate a Duplicant with an invalid trait combination
  • Dupes can no longer sanitize a suit using a sink or wash basin
  • Resin Rooster art completed
  • Fixed bug in flying critter death animation sound playback
  • Adjusted temperature ranges the Saturn Critter Trap and Tranquil Toes plants are comfortable at
  • Hatch falling animation revisions
  • Fixed Hatches floating in the air after being wrangled while burrowed
  • Fixed physics where objects would slide into walls instead of away from them
  • Saturn Critter Trap can only trap when in the open state, this will prevent it from trapping critters when wilting etc.
  • The "Elderly" status item is now added when a creature has less than 10% of its lifespan remaining instead of a hard coded 5 cycles
  • Remove Unity splash screen
  • Fixed a bug that caused sidescreen titles to not update if you clicked from one building with a sidescreen to another
  • Fixed missing drag tool width/height/area labels
  • Fix rocket paths and names and progress bars sometimes being rotated around funny
  • Fix cases where a "new world detected!" message would not appear, notably when a rocket with a Cartographic Module revealed a world
  • Updated ui art for the Conductive Wire Bridge
  • Swapping out many placeholder strings, editing existing strings
  • Fixed long "Colony lacks skill" string
  • Added missing strings for Resin Rooster
  • Fixed incorrect Fullerene text link
  • Updated Korean and Chinese translations
  • Tweaked bubble animation on Small Oxidizer Tank
  • Art polish on the Basic Nosecone
  • Landers can now only be placed in appropriate locations (on the surface) and only on worlds they're being deployed on

Got rid of the launching fx that was showing up in the under-construction Sugar Engine

  • Fix crash if a rocket with a Cartographic Module had a (?) as its destination
  • Telescope indicators once again show on the starmap
  • Fixed colour issue on liquid oxidizer tank
  • Fixed art bugs on Liquid Oxidizer Tank
  • Hooked up new backwall artwork for Moo Moonlet biome. Only present in new saves
  • Improved robustness of some guaranteed worldgen rules to address a number of worldgen failures
  • Hooked up correct Lead artwork
  • Improved worldgen rules for generating the core of the Water Asteroid to fix some worldgen failures
  • Research point constants were renamed in code for clarity
Final Testing Branch Changes

These are changes and fixes since the last version on the testing branch

  • Updated Beeta Hive artwork and interact animations
  • New ore artwork for Uranium Ore
  • Added a new icon for Radiation buildings in the build menu
  • Updated animation on the Orbital Research Station
  • Fixed various skill badges in the Skills tree
  • Fixed issue preventing radiation itch anim playback
  • Adjusted Hatch collider offset when burrowed making it easier to click on
  • Added icon for Beeta Hive harvest button
  • Radiation no longer leaks between worlds
  • Added new hat for Atomic Researcher
  • Added Solid Nuclear Waste, temporarily using Radium's artwork
  • Added Decontamination Shower to the tech tree
  • Research Reactor meltdown notification and music
  • Research Reactor can no longer be disabled by automation - instead, the automation port enables/disables refueling once the active fuel is spent.
  • Removed Reaction Mass slider from Research Reactor. Target reaction mass is fixed to 3kg.
  • Moved Research Reactor and Centrifuge to Nuclear build menu category.
  • Removed slider from Radbolt generators side screen
  • Fixes in Beeta description text
  • Saves from before the starmap "peeking" was introduced will have their map properly explored on the next load
  • Fix Orbital Research Station sometimes being "grounded" even when in space
  • Fixed physics where objects would slide into walls instead of away from them


You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

Affected Pages

Page Reflected Version
Atomic Collider
Basic Rad Pill
Category:Reserach (Spaced Out)]]
Cosmic Radiation
Nuclear Waste
Orbital Microlab
Radiation (Building)
Radiation Sensor
Research (Spaced Out)
Resin Rooster
Atomic Research464793
Basic Nosecone623711
Beeta Hive466411
Conductive Wire Bridge455425
Decontamination Shower473327
Depleted Uranium455425
Enriched Uranium455425
Hydrocarbon Propulsion596666
Lead Suit455425
Lead Suit Checkpoint444349
Lead Suit Dock444349
Liquid Oxidizer Tank455425
Radbolt Generator489821
Radbolt Reflector456169
Radiation Refinement597172
Radiation Sickness466203
Radioactive Contaminant455425
Research Reactor490405
Saturn Critter Trap479045
Shine Bug486708
Solid Nuclear Waste444349
Tranquil Toes494396
Uranium Centrifuge444349
Uranium Ore483944

See Also