Solid Mercury

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This article is related to The Frosty Planet Pack content.

Solid Mercury is a Solid Refined Metal fit for use in extremely cold environments.


Solid Mercury can be used as a Refined Metal to construct Buildings.

  • Due to their especially low melting point, buildings made using Solid Mercury are highly prone to melting in habitable temperatures. Therefore, using Solid Mercury as a construction material outside of temperature-controlled environments is strongly discouraged.

Solid Mercury can also be fed to Plug Slugs at a rate of 60kg per cycle to produce 3kg of Hydrogen per cycle, or they can be fed to Smog Slugs and Sponge Slugs at a rate of 30kg per cycle to produce 1.5kg of Hydrogen per cycle.

  • Feeding Solid Mercury to Plug Slugs (or any of their morphs) is not recommended, as their comfort range (between 10 and 40°C for Plug Slugs and between -10 and 40°C for their morphs) is above the melting temperature of Solid Mercury (-38.8°C).


  • U52-616718: Texture updated. No longer debug mode exclusive. Reintroduced as a Refined Metal in the Frosty Planet DLC.
  • 206501: Implemented, but inaccessible outside of debug mode.