Atmospheric Pressure

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Atmospheric Pressure is based on the amount, mass, and type of gas filling a space at a time.

If two gases interact, the gas with the most pressure will force the other gas out of its area (mostly seen between OxygenOxygen and Carbon DioxideCarbon Dioxide).


On Duplicants

The Breathability of OxygenOxygen and Polluted OxygenPolluted Oxygen is dependant on the the Atmospheric Pressure.

Atmospheric Pressure Breathability Effects
above 1 kg Very breathable
525 g to 1 kg Breathable
50 g to 525 g Barely Breathable Duplicants will get the +10% Stress/Cycle due to Low Oxygen for the duration they remain in a Low Oxygen environment.
below 50 g Unbreathable Duplicants will hold their breath, but will not suffer from a Low Oxygen debuff

Additionally, if the Atmospheric Pressure of any Gas a Duplicant is inside is above 4 kg, Duplicants will get Popped Eardrums, a +20% Stress/cycle debuff that lasts for half a cycle.

On Plants

Most Plants can only grow if enough, but not too much Atmospheric Pressure is present. This is most often the range from 150 g to 10 kg, but Nosh Sprout, Dasha Saltvine, and Oxyfern go as low as 10g, and Waterweed can be submerged in up to 950 kg of liquid. Single use consumable plants, such as Muckroot don't need any specific Atmospheric Pressure, and neither do Wheezewort, Thimble Reed, nor Jumping Joya.

On Machinery

Machines whose main purpose is to generate gasses such as the Electrolyzer and Oxygen Diffuser will stop running and give an overpressure warning at 1.8kg. While a Petroleum Generator which produces Carbon DioxideCarbon Dioxide as a side product, does not.

On Geysers

Geysers, Vents, and Volcanoes also can be forced to stop erupting once they are over-pressured.

On Emitting Elements

Offgassing Elements such as Oxylite or Polluted Water will stop producing emitting their respective element at 1,800 grams Atmospheric Pressure.