Automation (Building)

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Automation buildings are used to turn on and off buildings in the player's base using Boolean Logic and Sensors.

List of Automation buildings


Name Description Automation Dimensions Materials Research
Broadcasts Automation signals across space to other planetoids in range. Input
Green: Broadcasts a green signal to reciever(s)
Red: Broadcasts a red signal to receivers(s)
1 x 1 tiles
100 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Sensitive Microimaging
Receives automation signals from an Automation Broadcaster. Output
Green: Green signals sent from a broadcaster
Red: Red signals sent from a broadcaster
1 x 1 tiles
100 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Sensitive Microimaging
Runs one Automation Ribbon section over another without joining them.
Can be run through wall and floor tile.
Wire bridges allow multiple automation grids to exist in a small area without connecting.
3 x 1 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Parallel Automation
A 4-Bit Automation Wire which can carry up to four automation signals.
Use a Ribbon Writer to output to multiple Bits, and a Ribbon Reader to input from multiple Bits.
Logic ribbons use significantly less space to carry multiple automation signals.
1 x 1 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Parallel Automation
Runs one Automation Wire section over another without joining them.
Can be run through wall and floor tile.
Wire bridges allow multiple automation grids to exist in a small area without connecting.
3 x 1 tiles
5 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Smart Home
Connects buildings to Sensors.
Can be run through wall and floor tile.
Automation wire is used to connect building ports to automation gates.
1 x 1 tiles
5 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Smart Home
Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal when ambient Brightness enters the chosen range.
Light sensors can tell surface bunker doors above solar panels to open or close based on solar light levels.
Green: Ambient brightness within chosen range
Red: Ambient brightness out of chosen range
1 x 1 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
25 kg Resource Glass.png
Generic Sensors
Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal when Radbolts detected enters the chosen range. Output
Green: When the condition is met
Red: When the condition is not met
1 x 1 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Radiation Protection
Sends a Green automation signal when ambient rads enter the chosen range. Output
Green: When ambient Rads enters the desired range.
Red: When ambient radiation is outside of the desired range.
1 x 1 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Micro-Targeted Medicine
Reads a Green Signal or a Red Signal from the specified Bit of an Automation Ribbon onto an Automation Wire.
Inputs the signal from a single Bit in an Automation Ribbon into an Automation Wire.
Green: Write a Green Signal to the connected Automation Wire
Red: Write a Red Signal to the connected Automation Wire
Green: Green Signal is read from the selected Bit of the attached Automation Ribbon
Red: Red Signal is read from the selected Bit of the attached Automation Ribbon
2 x 1 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Parallel Automation
Writes a Green Signal or a Red Signal to the specified Bit of an Automation Ribbon
Automation Ribbon must be used for the output wire to avoid overloading.
Translates the signal from an Automation Wire to a single Bit in an Automation Ribbon.
Green: Write a Green Signal to the selected Bit of the connected Automation Ribbon
Red: Write a Red Signal to the selected Bit of the connected Automation Ribbon
Green: Green Signal is read from the attached Automation Wire
Red: Red Signal is read from the attached Automation Wire
2 x 1 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Parallel Automation
Control A toggles between the outputs in the selector switches. Control B toggles between the two selector switches to determine which output receives a Green or Red signal from the input.
Up to four outputs can be toggled to determine which recieves the signal from one input.
3 x 4 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Control A toggles between the inputs in the selector switches. Control B toggles between the switches to determine which input sends a Green or Red signal to the output.
Up to four separate inputs can be toggled to determine which sends the signal to one output.
3 x 4 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png

Logic gates

Logic gates cost a uniform 25 kg of Refined Metal Resource Category Refined Metal.png.

Name Description Dimensions Research
Outputs a Green Signal when both Input A AND Input B are receiving Green.
Outputs a Red Signal when even one Input is receiving Red.
This gate outputs a Green Signal when both its inputs are receiving Green Signals at the same time.
2 x 2 tiles Advanced Automation
Outputs a Green Signal if the Input is receiving a Green Signal.
Continues sending a Green Signal for an amount of buffer time after the Input receives a Red Signal.
This gate continues outputting a Green Signal for a short time after the gate stops receiving a Green Signal.
2 x 1 tiles Advanced Automation
Only lets a Green Signal through if the Input has received a Green Signal for longer than the selected filter time.
Will continue outputting a Red Signal if the Green Signal did not last long enough.
This gate only lets a Green Signal through if its Input has received a Green Signal that last longer than the selected filter time.
2 x 1 tiles Advanced Automation
Contains an internal Memory, and will output whatever signal is stored in that Memory. Signals sent to the Inputs only affect the Memory, and do not pass through to the Output.
Sending a Green Signal to the Set Port(S) will set the memory to Green.
Sending a Green Signal to the Reset Port(R) will reset the memory back to Red.
A Memory stores a Green Signal received in the Set Port (S) until the Reset Port (R) receives a Green Signal.
2 x 2 tiles Computing
Outputs a Green Signal if the Input is receiving a Red Signal.
Outputs a Red Signal when its Input is receiving a Green Signal.
This gate reverses automation signals, turning a Green Signal into a Red Signal and vice versa.
2 x 1 tiles Generic Sensors
Outputs a Green Signal if at least one of Input A OR Input B is receiving Green.
Outputs a Red Signal when neither Input A or Input B are receiving Green.
This gate outputs a Green Signal if receiving one or more Green Signals.
2 x 2 tiles Advanced Automation
Counts how many times a Green Signal has been received up to a chosen number.
When the chosen number is reached it sends a Green Signal until it receives another Green Signal, when it resets automatically and begins counting again.
For numbers higher than ten connect multiple counters together.
1 x 3 tiles Computing
Outputs a Green Signal if exactly one of its Inputs is receiving Green.
Outputs a Red Signal if both or neither Inputs are receiving a Green Signal.
This gate outputs a Green Signal if exactly one of its Inputs is receiving a Green Signal.
2 x 2 tiles Computing


Name Automation Output Materials Research Description
Green: Gas pressure within chosen range
Red: Gas pressure out of chosen range
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Improved Ventilation Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal when Gas pressure enters the chosen range.
Atmo Sensors can be used to prevent excess oxygen production and overpressurization.
Green: Number of Critters and Eggs in Room above threshold
Red: Number of Critters and Eggs in Room below or at threshold
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Animal Control Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal based on the number of eggs and critters in a room.
Detecting critter populations can help adjust their automated feeding and care regiments.
Green: Current time in sensor's Green range
Red: Current time in sensor's Red range
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Generic Sensors Sets an automatic Green Signal and Red Signal schedule using a timer.
Cycle sensors ensure systems always turn on at the same time, day or night, every cycle.
Green: Duplicant in sensor's tile range
Red: No Duplicant in sensor's tile range
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Smart Home Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal based on whether a Duplicant is in the sensor's range.
Motion sensors save power by only enabling buildings when Duplicants are nearby.
Green: Selected Gas detected
Red: Selected Gas not detected
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Generic Sensors Sends a Green Signal when the selected Gas is detected on this sensor's tile.
Sends a Red Signal when the selected Gas is not present.
These sensors can detect the presence of a specific gas and alter systems accordingly.
Green: Germ count within chosen range
Red: Germ count out of chosen range
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
50 kg Plastic.png
Pathogen Diagnostics Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal based on quantity of surrounding Germs.
Detecting germ populations can help block off or clean up dangerous areas.
Green: Liquid pressure within chosen range
Red: Liquid pressure out of chosen range
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Improved Plumbing Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal when Liquid pressure enters the chosen range.
Must be submerged in Liquid.
A hydro sensor can tell a pump to refill its basin as soon as it contains too little liquid.
Green: Selected liquid detected
Red: Selected liquid not detected
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Generic Sensors Sends a Green Signal when the selected Liquid is detected on this sensor's tile.
Sends a Red Signal when the selected Liquid is not present.
These sensors can detect the presence of a specific liquid and alter systems accordingly.
Green: Turned ON
Red: Turned OFF
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Smart Home Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal on an Automation grid.
Signal switches don't turn grids on and off like power switches, but add an extra signal.
Green: Incoming target detected
Red: No target detected
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Celestial Detection Sends a Green Signal to its automation circuit when it detects incoming objects from space. Can be configured to detect incoming meteor showers or returning space rockets.
Networks of many scanners will scan more efficiently than one on its own.
Green: Temperature within chosen range
Red: Temperature out of chosen range
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
HVAC Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal when ambient Temperature enters the chosen range.
Thermo sensors can disable buildings when they approach dangerous temperatures.
Green: Timer in Green period
Red: Timer in Red period
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Generic Sensors Creates a timer to send Green Signals and Red Signals for specific amounts of time.
Timer Sensors create automation schedules for very short or very long periods of time.
Green: Power consumed within chosen range
Red: Power consumed out of chosen range
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Generic Sensors Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal when Wattage consumed enters the chosen range.
Wattage sensors can send a signal when a building has switched on or off.
Green: Object or Duplicant present on top
Red: No Object or Duplicant on top
50 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Generic Sensors Sends a Green Signal when an object or Duplicant is placed atop of it.
Cannot be triggered by Gas or Liquids.
Weight plates can be used to turn on amenities only when Duplicants pass by.


Name Automation Input Materials Research Description
Green: Push notification
Red: Nothing
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Notification Systems Attach to sensors to send a notification when certain conditions are met.
Notification can be customized.
Sends a notification when it receives a Green Signal.
Green: Duplicants may pass
Red: Duplicants blocked
100 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Computing Allows Duplicants to pass when receiving a Green Signal.
Prevents Duplicants from passing when receiving a Red Signal.
Checkpoints can be connected to automated sensors to determine when it's safe to enter.
Green: Hammer strikes once
Red: Nothing
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Notification Systems In its default orientation, the hammer strikes the building to the left when it receives a Green Signal.
Each building has a unique sound when struck by hammer. The hammer does no damage when it strikes.
The hammer makes neat sounds when it strikes buildings.
Green: Display the configured Green Signal pixels
Red: Display the configured Red Signal pixels
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
100 kg Resource Glass.png
New Media Pixels can be designated a color when it receives a Green Signal and a different color when it deceives a Red Signal.
Input from an Automation Wire controls the whole strip. Input from an Automation Ribbon can control individual pixels on the strip.
Four pixels which can be individually designated different colors.

List of all output buildings

This section lists all buildings that has an Automation Output Port. [show]

Name Green Automation Output Red Automation Output
Gas pressure within chosen range Gas pressure out of chosen range
Green signals sent from a broadcaster Red signals sent from a broadcaster
Number of Critters and Eggs in Room above threshold Number of Critters and Eggs in Room below or at threshold
Current time in sensor's Green range Current time in sensor's Red range
Duplicant in sensor's tile range No Duplicant in sensor's tile range
Selected Gas detected Selected Gas not detected
Germ count within chosen range Germ count out of chosen range
Liquid pressure within chosen range Liquid pressure out of chosen range
Ambient brightness within chosen range Ambient brightness out of chosen range
Selected liquid detected Selected liquid not detected
When the condition is met When the condition is not met
When ambient Rads enters the desired range. When ambient radiation is outside of the desired range.
Green Signal is read from the selected Bit of the attached Automation Ribbon Red Signal is read from the selected Bit of the attached Automation Ribbon
Green Signal is read from the attached Automation Wire Red Signal is read from the attached Automation Wire
Counter reached target Counter less than target
Turned ON Turned OFF
Incoming target detected No target detected
Temperature within chosen range Temperature out of chosen range
Timer in Green period Timer in Red period
Power consumed within chosen range Power consumed out of chosen range
Object or Duplicant present on top No Object or Duplicant on top
Emptied below low threshold Filled above high threshold
Emptied below low threshold Filled above high threshold
Full Not full
Critter has been trapped No critter in trap
Critter has been trapped No critter in trap
Critter has been trapped No critter in trap
Full Not Full
When the total amount of liquid meets the set value. When the amount of liquid is below the set value.
Chosen Liquid is detected Chosen Liquid is not detected
When the germ count in the pipe meets the criteria When the germ count in the pipe does not meet the criteria
When temperature of liquid content meets the criteria When temperature of liquid content does not meet the criteria
under low charge threshold over high charge threshold
Storage full Storage not full
Rocket launch checklist is complete Rocket launch checklist is incomplete
(1) Rocket is ready for flight; (2) Rocket is on the platform
current location in filter current location not in filter
When the total amount of solids meets the set value. When the amount of solids is below the set value.
The configured item is on the rail The configured item is not on the rail
The number of Germs on the object on the rail is within the selected range Otherwise
The contained item is within the selected Temperature range Otherwise
Sends a Green Signal when the geyser is erupting Sends a Red Signal when the geyser is not erupting
When the total amount of gas meets the set value. When the amount of gas is below the set value.
Chosen gas is detected Chosen gas is not detected
When the germ count in the pipe meets the criteria When the germ count in the pipe does not meet the criteria
When the temperature of pipe content meets the criteria When the temperature of pipe content does not meet the criteria

List of all input buildings

This section lists all buildings that has an Automation Input Port. [show]

Name Green Automation Input Red Automation Input
Push notification Nothing
Broadcasts a green signal to reciever(s) Broadcasts a red signal to receivers(s)
Duplicants may pass Duplicants blocked
Hammer strikes once Nothing
Write a Green Signal to the connected Automation Wire Write a Red Signal to the connected Automation Wire
Write a Green Signal to the selected Bit of the connected Automation Ribbon Write a Red Signal to the selected Bit of the connected Automation Ribbon
(1) Increment; (R) Set to 0 Nothing
Drops content Keeps content
Open Close
Open Close
Enable Disable
Set trap Disarm and empty trap
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Wrangle excess critters Ignore excess critters
Set trap Disarm and empty trap
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Set trap Disarm and empty trap
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable building Disable building
Enable Building Disable Building
Display the configured Green Signal pixels Display the configured Red Signal pixels
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Reset counter and start liquid flow Nothing
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Turn flow on Turn flow off
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Turn power on Turn power off
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Emit Radbolts Do not emit Radbolts
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Launch rocket Awaits launch commmand
Enable Disable
Extend Retract
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Restrict access to interior buildings Unrestrict access to interior buildings
Launch Rocket Cancel Launch
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Reset counter and start material transfer Nothing
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Reset counter and start gas flow Nothing
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Turn flow on Turn flow off
Enable Disable
Enable Disable
Enable Disable